As manager and creative director of Blue Fish Clothing in Taos, NM, Carol Morgan-Eagle has photographed and produced fashion photo shoots, managed the clothing print studio, trained printers, and supervised ad buys and ad design. Barbara Davis started Digerati Design, a graphic design studio in Taos, and has produced graphics and content for publications, print and the internet.

Carol and Barbara met and began working together over 20 years ago, designing and building advertising for Blue Fish, and discovered with delight they worked well together.

From there, they began collaborating on music posters, websites, ads, magazines, books, and many other projects. They love to refer to each other as Captain Kirk and Scotty: Carol is Captain, the big picture her purview; Barbara is Scotty in the engine room, rising to every challenge with the Captain's vision and encouragement.

Click on Digerati Design to see a more extensive list of our projects.


OUR WEBSITES (more to be added):, now offline:


Pixeldust Sisters, Taos




We love working with clients who know they need a web presence, social media integration, or printed material for promotion, but are not sure where to start.

With many years of experience in marketing, branding, representation, and personal coaching, we can help you find your vision, discover your voice, and establish your niche.

And with plenty of technical experience, we help make your message meaningful, beautiful, and powerful on the internet, in social media, and in print.



As of 5/10/18, this web page is a work in progress; please come back shortly.